Articles and Essays
The Architecture Book of Care: Imagining, Reporting, Guiding. Curatorial Statement for the Architecture Book Fair (2021).
Non-practicing Practice: Flâneusing the Streets of a Profession. In: Slow Spatial Reader, Chronicles of Radical Affection (Valiz, 202).
The Feminist Hut. In: regenerations [and its discontents] (2021).
The Seven Follies of Lampedusa. In: Borders in Perspective - UniGR-CBS thematic issue. Identities and Methodologies of Border Studies: Recent Empirical and Conceptual Approaches. Vol. 6, pp. 99-111.
Stories on Earth: A Collective Voice for the Human and Non-Human. Failed Architecture (July 2020), co-authored with Daphne Bakker.
Metropolis Explained: Rome. Topos, no. 110, pp. 14-15 (2020).
Moving Between Utopia and Dystopia. Topos, no.110, pp. 87-91 (2020), co-authored with Lisa Fjeld.
We Participate, They Profit. Failed Architecture (March 2020).
Cracks in the Concrete. Topos, no.107, pp. 60-65 (2019).
Time to Cross the Border. Toposmagazine.com (May 2019).
The Guru in Urbanism. Toposmagazine.com (April 2019).
The Cities of Vilnius: Past Ideologies, New Consumerism. Failed Architecture (November 2018)
Entering Europe. Topos, no.104, pp. 58-63 (2018).
The Invisible Wall of Lampedusa: Landscaping Europe’s Outer Frontier. Failed Architecture (January 2018).
Intrinsic Hope. Deconstructing Norms and Accommodating Differences. Lunch Lecture n°2 at MA Interior Architecture - Royal Academy of the Art, The Hague, The Netherlands (February 2022).
Landscapes of Care. Presentation of the curatorial selection of the Architecture Book Fair in collaboration with DPR Barcelona and Future Architecture Platform (October 2021).
Failed Architecture Breezeblock episode Stories on Earth (September 2021).
Stories on Earth. Parallel program Dutch Pavilion - launch event. 17th Architecture Venice Biennale (September 2021).
Stories on Earth. Presentation at the online seminar "What Do Landscape Say?" curated by Nomaos (April 2021).
A City of Our Own: Urban Feminism for the 99%. Presentation at New Generations Festival (December 2020).
Failed Architecture Breezeblock episode A City of Our Own (October 2020).
Writing Spaces, Designing Stories. Presentation at the Dutch Design Week (2020).
Mapping the Borderscape. Presentation at the Association for Borderlands Studies Annual Conference 2019 in San Diego, California (2019) - funded by Creative Industries NL.
The Power of Failure. Lecture organized by INSIDE and IAFD as part of the series "Exploring Interdisciplinarity" at the Royal Academy of the Art, The Hague, The Netherlands (2018).
The Invisible Border of Lampedusa. Presentation and proceedings publication at PAUMME-CAUMME - Contemporary Architecture & Urbanism in the Mediterranean & Middle East in Istanbul, Turkey (2018) - funded by Creative Industries NL.
The Seven Follies of Lampedusa. Presentation at the workshop "Incubators of modernity: Liminal spaces between informal practice and state action" organized by the German Historical Institute Warsaw/Vilnius in Vilnius, Lithuania (2018).
The Seven Follies of Lampedusa: Deconstructing the borderline through architecture. Presentation at the Association for Borderland Studies 2nd World Conference in Vienna, Austria, and Budapest, Hungary (2018).
Spatial practices and critical theory. Architectural theory course, Architectural Design, year 1 and year 2, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam (2021).
Writing Spaces, Designing Stories. Workshop hosted by the Dutch Design Week (2020).
Introduction to Critical Thinking. Master’s Programme 'Prototyping Future Cities'. HSE University, Moscow (2020).
Architecture School: Next Generation. P6 - Studio Integral Design, year 3, Master of Architecture, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (2020).
Spatial practices and critical theory. Architectural theory course, Architectural Design, Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam (2020).
Follow the Money. Research and design studio on city development and the roles of architecture, property, and capital. Independent School for the City, Rotterdam (2019).
The Villa of the 21st Century. P2A - Villa (Space and Material), year 1, Master of Architecture, Amsterdam Academy of Architecture (2018).
Arrivals Absorption on a Booming City’s Fringes. Workshop, Failed Architecture + TU Delft’s Design as Politics, Amsterdam (2017).
I am an architect and a researcher. A graduate of La Sapienza University of Rome, Italy, and the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture in the Netherlands, I collaborated with various architecture and design organisations in the city of Amsterdam. I worked as a guest lecturer at the Amsterdam Academy of Architecture and at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, and as an editor at research platform Failed Architecture. I am one of the 2019 recipients of the Talent Development Grant, a funding program by Creative Industries NL (Stimuleringsfonds). My current research interests include the relationship between architecture and storytelling, feminist critiques of urban space, and the relationship between architecture and capitalism.